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Firewall Management Software Solutions Vendor List





AlgoSec delivers a product called Firewall Analyzer which provides firewall policy auditing, policy cleanup, risk analysis, change monitoring and more. Algosec supports all the major firewall vendors. Algosec also offers AlgoSec FireFlow which is a change management solution.


Athena Security has a solution known as FirePAC that can clean up firewall policies, provide auditing and optimisation. Athena Security also offers a free tool called Firewall Browser which can help with finding rules based on certain network criteria and supports Cisco, Check Point and Netscreen firewalls.


Secure Passage is a specialist in managing firewalls and offers a solution called Firemon. Firemon provides visibility to unused rules and which rules are used and the frequency they are used. Firemon supports a large range of firewalls such as Cisco Check Point and others. Firemon also supports routers and load balancers. The solution will help you keep in control of your firewall policies, provides PCI DSS assistance, policy clean-up and provides other advantages as well.


Skybox Security is a firewall management device that helps controlling firewall risks and provides visibility of network topology and firewall device configuration.


Tufin SecureTrak delivers firewall management, auditing and change control and automation.